Phthalocyanine photodynamic therapy: New strategy for closure of choroidal neovascularization

Chloro-aluminum sulfonated phthalocyanine (CASPc) is a photo-chemically active dye employed in photodynamic therapy (PDT). CASPc is a potent generator of singlet oxygen when irradiated with 675 nm light and is also capable of fluorescence, allowing visualization of the dye in tissues. We devised an angiography system using CASPc fluorescence to determine its localization in experimental choroidal neovascularization in monkeys and then investigated the ability of CASPc to produce photochemical closure of neovascularization upon irradiation with 675nm laser light. Fluorescent imaging indicated that CASPc localized angio-graphically in areas of neovascularization for at least 24 hours. Irradiation with 675 nm laser light 5–30 minutes after CASPc injection produced complete closure of choroidal neovascularization with minimal damage to overlying retina. We conclude that CASPc localizes in neovascular choroidal vessels and that CASPc photodynamic therapy can produce closure of these choroidal vessels.