In 19301we reported on the occurrence of bodies in the epithelial cells of rabbits treated with various chemical irritants, nicotine and croton oil, which we were unable to differentiate from the inclusion bodies described by Halberstaedter and Prowazek in cases of trachoma and inclusion blenorrhea. It was considered that these were reaction products of the epithelial cells in response to repeated irritation, and it was suggested that the bodies found in cases of trachoma and so-called inclusion blenorrhea might be explained in the same way. Lindner and Lowenstein in personal communications expressed doubt that the bodies we described were true inclusion bodies and considered them probably to be the so-called pseudo-inclusion bodies which had been variously explained as nuclear extrusions, secretory products of the cells and clumps of degenerated bacteria. Since only a few of the bodies in question, per preparation, were found in this first series of

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