A 36-year-old man had chronic, debilitating diarrhea due to cryptosporidiosis. This patient had longstanding common variable hypogammaglobulinemia and recurrent bacterial infections. Immunologic evaluation after discovery of Cryptosporidium showed lymphopenia with persistently reduced numbers of helper/inducer cells (OKT-4), variable numbers of suppressor/cytotoxic cells (OKT-8), OKT-4/OKT-8 ratio of 0.09, and increased levels of serum alpha-interferon, all of which describe the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Oocysts of Cryptosporidium were found in feces from the patient's cat, thus identifying a possible source of his infection. The patient had disseminated candidiasis, cytomegalovirus pneumonia, and cryptosporidiosis when he died.