Intra-operative fibreoptic enteroscopy for bleeding lesions in the small intestine

Twenty-five patients with gastrointestinal bleeding proved to have lesions in the small intestine. Intra-operative fibreoptic enteroscopy was performed on seven patients, in six patients through the anus and in one patient through an enterotomy and the anus. The indications for fibreoptic enteroscopy were inability to find the lesions in the 3 patients, multiple small lesions in 3 patients and to rule out suspicious pathology in the jejunum shown on a small bowel enema in a patient with ieal ulcers. In all instances, the fibreoptic enteroscopy was useful in localizing lesions, in detecting additional lesions and in ruling out the suspicious lesions. It can be performed easily and is safe. No complication developed from its use in this series.