Ectopic Ureteroceles in Children

An ectopic ureterocele may be defined as a cystic dilatation of the distal submucosal or intravesical portion of a ureter that is associated with the ectopic moiety of a completely duplicated system or, in the absence of duplication, associated with a ureter draining into an ectopic position. The experience with 22 children treated during a 7-yr period was reviewed. More than 50% were less than 3 yr old at the time of presentation. The female preponderance was 3-1. Urinary infection was the most frequent mode of presentation. The diagnosis is made most easily when there is a high index of suspicion. Although treatment must be tailored to the situation, in general total heminephroureterectomy and excision of the ureterocele are the preferred choice. Of the patients so treated 87% had a satisfactory result.