Multiple origins of hydrogenosomes: functional and phylogenetic evidence from the ADP/ATP carrier of the anaerobic chytridNeocallimastixsp.

Summary: A mitochondrial‐type ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) has been identified in the hydrogenosomes of the anaerobic chytridiomycete fungusNeocallimastixsp. L2. Biochemical and immunocytochemical studies revealed that this ADP/ATP carrier is an integral component of hydrogenosomal membranes. Expression of the corresponding cDNA inEscherichia coliconfers the ability on the bacterial host to incorporate ADP at significantly higher rates than ATP – similar to isolated mitochondria of yeast and animals. Phylogenetic analysis of this AAC gene (hdgaac) confirmed with high statistical support that the hydrogenosomal ADP/ATP carrier ofNeocallimastixsp. L2 belongs to the family of veritable mitochondrial‐type AACs. Hydrogenosome‐bearing anaerobic ciliates possess clearly distinct mitochondrial‐type AACs, whereas the potential hydrogenosomal carrier Hmp31 of the anaerobic flagellateTrichomonas vaginalisand its homologue fromTrichomonas gallinaedo not belong to this family of proteins. Also, phylogenetic analysis of genes encoding mitochondrial‐type chaperonin 60 proteins (HSP 60) supports the conclusion that the hydrogenosomes of anaerobic chytrids and anaerobic ciliates had independent origins, although both of them arose from mitochondria.