The basal cell nevus syndrome.Disasters occurring among a series of 36 patients

We have reviewed a series of 36 patients with the basal cell nevus syndrome seen at Roswell Park Memorial Institute from 1950 to 1978. Among these patients a number of disastrous complications occurred. These include extensive uncontrolled basal cell epithelioma of the face resulting in one death from direct cerebral invasion via the orbit, one facial nerve palsy, two bilateral and two unilateral eye enucleations, and several severe facial mutilations in young patients. There were three patients who developed severe bradycardia and hypotension during induction of general anesthesia requiring postponement of the intended operation, and one patient with congenital hemiparesis who on investigation was found to have an absent internal carotid artery. A review of the syndrome complex is presented with a plan for recognition and management.