The Raman spectrum of benzene vapour was excited in a multiple reflection Raman cell by an Ar+ laser and was photographed with a spectral slit width of ~ 0.15 cm−1. The results for the five doubly degenerate Raman-active fundamentals are given in this communication. More than 150 maxima were resolved in the ν17 band and the spectrum was analyzed with a computer program to give ν17 = 1177.776(10) cm−1, B1 – B0 = 1.00(4) × 10−4, C1 – C0 = −0.50(2) × 10−4 cm−1, and ζ17 = 0.010(1). About 60 maxima were recorded in the ν18 band; molecular constants were determined but with less precision than for ν17. The ν15 band (partially overlapped by ν1) and the (ν16, ν2 + ν18) Fermi diad showed resolved structure but no detailed analyses were possible. The ν11 band showed no resolved structure.