A chemically defined medium (CC-494) was used to study the nutritional requirements of three spiroplasmas representing three distinct serogroups: flower spiroplasmas [Spiroplasma floricola and FS (SR-3)] and honeybee spiroplasma [HBS (AS-576)]. Glucose, fructose, and mannose were utilized by all three spiroplasmas. In addition, the honeybee spiroplasma could ferment trehalose, FS (SR-3) could ferment sucrose, and S. floricola could ferment trehalose, sucrose, and raffinose. The three spiroplasmas varied greatly in their requirements of amino acids for growth. S. floricola was the only strain that utilized arginine. HBS (AS-576) required at least one purine and one pyrimidine base (either free base or ribonucleoside) for growth, while both flower spiroplasmas grew with only one base in the medium. Oleic acid, cholesterol, and bovine serum albumin were essential to all three spiroplasmas. Palmitic acid, which was nonessential, promoted growth significantly.