Microdosimetry for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

Preclinical studies for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) using epithermal neutrons are ongoing at several laboratories. The absorbed dose in tumor cells is a function of the thermal neutron flux at depth, the microscopic boron concentration, and the size of the cell. Dosimetry is therefore complicated by the admixture of thermal, epithermal, and fast neutrons, plus gamma rays, and the array of secondary high-linear-energy-transfer particles produced within the patient from neutron interactions. Microdosimetry can be a viable technique for determining absorbed dose and radiation quality. A 2.5-cm-diameter tissue-equivalent gas proportional counter has been built with 50 parts per million (ppm) 10B incorporated into the walls and counting gas to simulate the boron uptake anticipated in tumors. Measurements of lineal energy (y) spectra for BNCT in simulated volumes of 1-10 microns diameter show a dose enhancement factor of 4.3 for 30 ppm boron, and a "y" of 250 keV/microns for the boron capture process. Chamber design plus details of experimental and calculated linear energy spectra will be presented.

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