Immune responses of cattle to biochemically modified antigens from the midgut of the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus

Summary Treatment of membrane antigens of the midgut (GM) of the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus with sodium metaperiodate (periodate). pronase and lipase significantly inhibited the reactivity of the GM with antibodies in the sera of 57 cattle vaccinated with GM. Treatment of GM with periodate only removed the correlation between antibody reactivity of sera and protection against infestation with licks. A monoclonal antibody (MoAb QU13). which recognises protective antigens solubilized from GM (Lee & Opdebeeck 1991), did not react with GM treated with penodate. Cattle vaccinated with GM extracts were significantly protected against infestation with cattle licks (P < 005), whereas cattle vaccinated with either GM extracts treated with periodate or with antigens precipitated from GM extracts with MoAb QU13 and also treated with periodate, were not protected against infestation. These studies provide preliminary evidence that protective antigens in the lick midgut membrane either are carbohydrate or arc dependent on carbohydrate for their specificity.