Clinical Periodontal Status of Regularly Attending Patients in General Dental Practices

Periodontal status of regular patients of general practitioners in the United States is unknown. A project assessing the effectiveness of continuing professional education in altering provider behavior and patient periodontal health provided the opportunity to clinically examine 1092 patients in the offices of 36 general practitioners. These regularly attending patients were selected by a random start systematic sample of patient records. The examination included recording missing teeth and assessing plaque, gingivitis, calculus, probing depth, and attachment loss on the facial and facial-mesial surfaces of the Ramfjord teeth (PDI). The mean patient age was 48 years, and 63% were female. The mean number of missing teeth, not including third molars, was 3.9. Almost 78% of the patients had no sites with a P1I score greater than 1, but 52% of the patients had at least one site with bleeding. Calculus was present in 62% of the patients. Deepest pocket depth was 4 mm or greater in 9% of patients and 3.8% had sites with 4 mm or greater attachment loss. Mean attachment loss was 1.6 mm across all sites. Although the majority of these regular patients had plaque, calculus, and gingivitis, only a minority exhibited Periodontitis at the index sites.