Keratocyte Survival in Keratophakia Lenticules

• Keratocyte survival in corneal lenticules prepared by cryolathing was evaluated using the vital stain, nitroblue tetrazolium. A comparison was made between lenticules inserted in the recipient cornea immediately after grinding and those inserted after one week of storage in either glycerin or liquid nitrogen. In all three groups, no viable keratocytes stained in the donor lenticule at one or three days after surgery. Ten days after insertion, however, all three groups showed a few staining cells within the body of the lenticule, suggesting beginning repopulation of the donor collagenous framework with viable cells from the host. Since the donor keratocytes are dead, healing of keratophakia lenticules is not influenced adversely by storing the donor material. Thus, keratophakia lenticules could be prepared in advance of surgery and stored in glycerin or liquid nitrogen until needed.

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