Postnatal Changes in the Rheological Properties of the Aorta in Sprague-Dawley Rats.

Postnatal changes in the rheological properties of the aortic wall were investigated in relation to morphological development of the wall in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats at 3, 8 and 20 weeks old. The mechanical tensile characteristics of the longitudinal wall strip excised from the proximal thoracic aorta were assessed with stress-strain and stress-relaxation tests. Wall tension in the low and medium strain ranges was significantly lower in 3-week-old rats than in 8-week-old rats and in 8-week-old rats than in 20-week-old rats. Wall stress was significantly lower in 3-week-old rats than in 8- and 20-week-old rats mainly in the medium strain range, but was significantly greater in 3-week-old rats than in 8- and 20-week-old rats in the high strain range. The value of incremental elastic modulus at 3 weeks old was significantly smaller than that at 8 and 20 weeks old at a strain of 0.25 and significantly larger than that at 8 and 20 weeks old at a strain of 0.50. The value of relaxation strength at 5 min after the stretching was significantly greater at 3 weeks old than that at 8 and 20 weeks old. The wall was viscoelastic in the low and medium strain ranges at 3 weeks though large wall stress was generated in the high strain range. Histological investigation revealed that the smooth muscle layer, fine elastin fiber connecting thick elastin fibers and wall thickness were thin at 3 weeks old in comparison with those at 8 and 20 weeks old, though there was no significant difference in number of nuclei of the smooth muscle cells among the three age groups. Changes in the tensile characteristics of the wall reflected well those of the microstructure of the wall with growth. The rheological properties and microstructure of the aortic wall were close to maturation at 8 weeks in SD rats.