Claustrum in the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) brain: Cytoarchitecture and connections with cortical and subcortical structures

The Cytoarchitecture of the claustrum in the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) brain, the morphology of its neurons, and the efferent connections with cortical and subcortical structures were studied with the Nissl and Klüver-Barrera, the Golgi, and the horseradish peroxidase methods. It was found that the claustrum is a well developed nucleus in the hedgehog telencephalon and, as in other mammals, is divided into dorsal and ventral parts. In Golgi-stained sections, spiny multipolar cells are the predominant neurons of both the dorsal and the ventral claustrum and are projection neurons. Aspiny multipolar neurons with fewer, often beaded, dendrites constitute a minority in both divisions and are interneurons. Injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) in the prefrontal, motor, somatosensory, auditory and visual areas, and HRP or WGA-HRP injections in the thalamus showed that: (1) the claustroneocortical projections originate in the dorsal claustrum and are distributed to the entire neocortex; these projections are mainly ipsilateral but some also originate contralaterally; (2) the claustroneocortical projections show a rough topographic organization; there exists a substantial degree of overlap; and (3) the claustrothalamic projection, arising throughout the dorsal claustrum, is strictly ipsilateral. No evidence of a thalamoclaustral projection was found. The present results suggest that, although the hedgehog has been referred to as a “paleocortical mammal” owing to the great development of its rhinencephalic structures in comparison with its small neocortex, the dorsal claustrum is well developed and is connected with all neocortical areas as well as with the thalamus, establishing it as a key structure in the hedgehog forebrain.