Expression of EGFR-, p75NGFR-, and PSTAIR (cdc2)-Like Immunoreactivity by Proliferating Cells in the Adult Rat Hippocampal Formation and Forebrain

Immunocytochemical and autoradiographic techniques were used to examine proliferating cells in the adult rat brain along with the expression of specific growth factor receptors and cell cycle proteins. Two hours following an injection of [3H]thymidine (3H]Thy), dividing cells were detected in the sub-granular region of the dentate gyrus and in the subependymal region (SER) extending into the olfactory bulb. Many cells continued to divide over the next 24 h as demonstrated by the ability for thymidine-labeled cells to incorporate bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU); however, the results of BrdU, PSTAIR, and vimentin staining suggest that the majority of the progeny cells detectable by [3H]Thy autoradiography at 3 days and 1 week after injection are postmitotic and at least partially differentiated. Significant numbers of thymidine-labeled cells detected 2h following thymidine injection in the subgranular region of the dentate gyrus and in the SER of the lateral ventricle stained positively for epidermal growth factor receptor-, vimentin-, and PSTAIR-like immunoreactivity. Significant numbers of thymidine-labeled cells in the SER also stained positively for the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor p75NGFR. No [3H]Thy/p75NGFR-labeled cells were detected in the dentate gyrus. In addition, very few [3H]Thy/PSTAIR- or [3H]Thy/ vimentin-labeled cells were detected in region CA4. These data suggest that proliferating cells located in different regions of the adult brain may not be homogeneous and may be subject to different growth factor regulation.

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