The descriptive epidemiology of warts in British schoolchildren

This study set out to determine tbe prevalence and predictors of warts in Britisb schoolchildren by analysing medical examination data from a national birth cohort study of 9263 Britisb children born 3–9 Marcb 1958. The prevalence of visible warts, according to a medical officer, at the age of 11 was 3.9% (95% confidence intervals 3.5–4.3) and 4.9% (95% confidence intervals 4.5–5.4) at 16. Of the 364 children noted to have warts at the age of 11, 337 (93%) no longer had warts at 16. Residence in tbe soutb of Britain, having a father with a non‐manual occupation, being an only child, and belonging to an ethnic group other than white European were all associated with a decreased risk of visible warts. Region of residence was the strongest predictor of wart prevalence. There were no sex differences in wart prevalence. Warts represent a common source of morbidity in Britisb scboolcbildren. Euture studies sbould take into account age, regional factors, social class, family size and etbnic group wben comparing wart sufferers with other subjects.

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