M,N, andOSubshell Conversion Coefficients inTh228andPu240

The M, N, and O subshell conversion coefficients of the 57.9-keV, 2+0+ transition in Th228 and the M and N subshell conversion coefficients of the 42.88-keV, 2+0+ transition in Pu240 have been measured with an iron-free double-focusing spectrometer. In the case of Th228, conversion coefficients obtained for the M1, M2, M3, M4+M5, N2, N3, O2, and O3 shells are 0.89±0.22, 19.1±1.5, 17.8±1.3, 0.55±0.34, 5.16±0.46, 4.97±0.45, 1.33±0.22, and 1.23±0.20, respectively. For the transition in Pu240, the conversion coefficients of the M1, M2, M3, N1, N2, N3 and N4+N5 are 5.6±2.1, 107.2±7.5, 97.8±7.0, 2.9±0.8, 28.2±2.9, 28.7±2.9, and 2.3±1.0, respectively. Results from the M subshells are (15±8)% to (85±45)% higher than Rose's theoretical values after correcting for screening according to the semiempirical method of Chu and Perlman. The M-shell conversion-coefficient ratios for these E2 transitions agree with Rose's unscreened values within our experimental errors. This agreement suggests that the corrections due to screening for the different members in a particular shell are approximately the same.

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