Success and Relapse Rate after Treatment of Cryptorchidism with Intranasal LHRH

Cryptorchid prepubertal children (119) with 67 unilaterally and 104 bilaterally undescended testes were treated for 4 wk with intranasal LHRH 1.2 mg daily. The age range was 1 1/12-12 3/12 yr with a median of 3 10/12 yr. Complete descent was observed in 64 testes (37%) and partial descent in another 47 testes (27%). Positive responders were equally distributed in all age groups. At a follow-up of 57 patients at least 6 mo. after the end of treatment, 40% of the previously fully descended testes were found at higher locations, more than half at the scrotal neck. LHRH therapy for cryptorchidism is effective and without any major side-effects. It may be particularly useful in children of 1-3 yr of age where hCG [human chorionic gonadotropin] is practically useless and surgical repair is the only alternative to date. Efforts should be directed towards elaboration of treatment schedules which would avoid the high relapse rate.