Combination Chemotherapy for Multiple Myeloma with BCNU, Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Melphalan, and Prednisone (M-2 Protocol)

Fifty-four consecutively referred, previously untreated patients with stage II and III multiple myeloma have been treated with the M-2 protocol. Fifty percent of the patients had a performance status of < 50%. Thirteen percent were stage II and 85% stage III. In 50 of 54 patients (90%) and objective response according to the Myeloma Task Force was achieved; 10% of the responses have been complete (9+, 15+, 17+, 18+ and 66+ mo.). Remissions now range from 1-86+ mo. The actuarial median survival determined from the initiation of therapy will exceed 4 yr. Toxicity was acceptable with mild myelosuppression. The efficacy of the M-2 protocol in multiple myeloma was confirmed with regards to response rate and survival.