Intrinsic Properties Shape the Firing Pattern of Ventral Horn Interneurons From the Spinal Cord of the Adult Turtle

Interneurons in the ventral horn of the spinal cord play a central role in motor control. In adult vertebrates, their intrinsic properties are poorly described because of the lack of in vitro preparations from the spinal cord of mature mammals. Taking advantage of the high resistance to anoxia in the adult turtle, we used a slice preparation from the spinal cord. We used the whole cell blind patch-clamp technique to record from ventral horn interneurons. We characterized their firing patterns in response to depolarizing current pulses and found that all the interneurons fired repetitively. They displayed bursting, adapting, delayed, accelerating, or oscillating firing patterns. By combining electrophysiological and pharmacological tests, we showed that interneurons expressed slow inward rectification, plateau potential, voltage-sensitive transient outward rectification, and low-threshold spikes. These results demonstrate a diversity of intrinsic properties that may enable a rich repertoire of activity patterns in the network of ventral horn interneurons.