In the course of a petrological examination of some hundreds of specimens from the Tertiary coastal dike swarm of east Greenland, collected at various times by L. R. Wager and W. A. Deer, it was decided to investigate the nature of the residual glassy mesostasis of one of the olivine-tholeiites, in the hope that it might shed some light on the trend of differentiation of the magma responsible for the bulk of the rocks in the swarm. An account of the petrology of the swarm as a whole will be published in due course, but it was thought that a note on the chemical and physical properties of this glassy residuum might be worthy of independent publication, particularly as it provides an interesting comparison with the results of work carried out by Walker (1930, 1935) on the residual glass from one of the Upper Carboniferous tholeiites from central Scotland. The general features of the east Greenland coastal dike swarm have already been described by Wager and Deer (1938) and Wager (1947).