The ultrastructure of the steroid producing Y-organ and the mandibular organ of the crustaceans Hemigrapsus nudus and Carcinus maenas has been studied with reference to the well investigated steroid secreting cells (SSC) of mammals. In accordance with the most important characteristic of mammalian SSC, abundant SER could be shown in the Y-organ, where it is unevenly distributed. The amount of SER seems to vary in correlation with the secretion of moulting hormone during the moult cycle. Most Y-organ cells contain a great number of mitochondria of the tubular type, another important characteristic of mammalian SSC. The ultrastructure of the mandibular organ of C. maenas differs considerably from that of the Y-organ. Some SER was found, mitochondria of unusual shape and size were conspicuous. No definite conclusion as to the function of the mandibular organ is yet to be drawn.