Laboratory-prepared spore disks were stored for 96 weeks at 22 degrees C with 50% relative humidity (RH) and at 4 degrees C with less than 1% RH. At the same time commercial spore strips were stored for 64 weeks at 22 degrees C with 50% RH. The spore count per unit and the heat resistance were measured at the beginning of the experiment and after 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, and 96 weeks of storage. The laboratory-prepared spore disks stored at 4 degrees C with less than 1% RH showed less change in numbers of spores per disks and decrease in the survival time than did the disks stored at 22 degrees C with 50% RH. Both the laboratory-prepared spore disks and the commercial spore strips stored at 22 degrees C with 50% RH decreased in survival times with increased storage time. The relative change in the survival times with storage was less for the commercial spore strips than for the laboratory-prepared spore disks.