Electron-spin-resonance study of electron properties in nitrogen and carbon austenites

Electron-spin resonance was studied in the Cr21 Ni16 Mn7 and Cr20 Ni16 Mn6 austenites with different content of nitrogen and carbon. Measurements were made in the temperature region 10–300 K. Temperature dependences were obtained for the absorption-derivative signal parameters such as the intensity I(T), the width ΔH(T), and the asymmetry parameter R(T). Theoretical analysis of the signal shape revealed that its temperature dependence is equivalent to its dependence on the inverse length of electron diffusion δe through the skin layer δ, if the value (δδe) is constant while the temperature changes. The dependence of the electron-state density on the Fermi surface D(ɛF) upon the solutes content is deduced from the fitting of theoretical and experimental curves I(T), ΔH(T), and R(T). It was established that D(ɛF) increases in nitrogen austenite and decreases in carbon austenite with the growth of nitrogen and carbon concentration.