The lipid composition of rat-liver cell sap

The cell sap of the rat liver has been separated, the constituent lipids fractionated on silicic acid and their fatty acid composition determined. A similar study has been carried out on the "floating fatty supernatant" of the rat liver. Of the total liver fatty acid esters 4.6% were in the cell sap and 5.1% of the esters in the "fatty supernatant". Both these fractions were largely neutral lipid. About 1/3 of the cell sterol esters were in the cell sap and about the same proportion of the total iipid in this fraction was sterol ester. Over 90% of the "floating fatty supernatant" was trigly-ceride, representing about 1/4 of the total cell triglycerides. Experiments in which corn oil was fed to rats showed that the "fatty supernatant" did not rapidly equilibrate with the dietary fat.