A series of binary T-DNA vectors (pBECKS) has been created for use in theAgrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of plants. The pBECKS series has corrected the undesirable features of the popular pBIN19 vector; the deleterious mutation within the coding sequence ofnptII has been amended and the cloning sites are now adjacent to the right border repeat in order to reduce the possibility of producing truncated sequences of novel genes within transformants. One set of vectors incorporates various combiantions of the marker genesgusA,C1/Lc,nptII,hph, andbar, for pursuit of early and stable transformation events. A set of constructs which contain deleted T-DNA borders in various combinations and display predictably altered efficacies for gene transfer has also been created. A modular set of vectors has been designed to facilitate the insertion and transfer of novel gene sequences by providing anptII-linked plant expression cassette orlacZ-multiple cloning site. A range of antibiotic resistance genes has been incorporated into the non-T-DNA part of the vectors in order to facilitate their selection across the range ofAgrobacterium virulence strains.