Changes in the Size, Distribution and Steroid Content of Rabbit Ovarian Follicles During Early Pseudopregnancy

The size and steroid content of ovarian follicles from the rabbit were examined during early pseudopregnancy. Diameters of all available follicles >0.8 mm were recorded upon dissection at Days 0, 2 and 6 after injection of an ovulatory dose of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Each follicle was then analyzed for its content of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone as an indication of its steroid biosynthetic capacity. The results of these measurements demonstrate a depletion of large follicles (>1.6 mm) at 2 days after hCG injection with a subsequent repopulation of the ovaries with large follicles by Day 6. Additionally, the contents of all three steroids measured were shown to increase generally with increasing follicle size. The temporal aspects of the reappearance of large steroidogenically active follicles at Day 6 of pseudopregnancy may be crucial to the survival of the developing corpora lutea.