Determination of the scattering lengths of39Kfrom1uphotoassociation line shapes

We report threshold scattering properties for 39K(f=1) atoms obtained from analysis of experimental photoassociation spectra of the purely long-range 39K21u state. The existence of hyperfine structure in the excited K21u state and a knowledge of the Hamiltonian structure for two colliding ground state alkali atoms enables us to obtain information on the sign and magnitudes of certain scattering lengths for ground state collisions. Analysis of the experimental photoassociation line shapes shows that the 39K scattering lengths are between 3.2 and +0.8nm(60a0 and +15a0, where 1a0=1a.u.=0.0529177nm) for the a3Σu+ molecular state, between +4.8 and +12 nm (+90a0 and +230a0) for the X1Σg+ state, and between 7.9 and +1.1nm(150a0 and +20a0) for collisions of two f=1,m=1 atoms.