The deformational characteristics of the left ventricle in the conscious dog.

We studied left ventricular minor and major axis diameters and equatorial wall thickness in eleven conscious dogs with chronically implanted pulse-transit ultrasonic dimension transducers. Left ventricular transmural pressure was measured with micromanometers. Left ventricular volume was varied by inflation of implanted vena caval or aortic occluders. The geometry of the left ventricle was represented as a three-dimensioal ellipsoidal shell. Left ventricular eccentricity was found to be a linear function of ventricular volume during both diastole and ejection. However, the relationship was not the same for diastole and ejection, and during diastole the left ventricle was mre spherical at large volumes and more elliptical at small volumes than during ejection. The rearrangements in geometry observed during isovolumic contraction appeared to be transitional stages from the diastolic to the ejection-phase relationship. Thus, during isovolumic contraction, the left ventricle became more elliptical at large volumes and more spherical at small volumes. These relationships were not altered significantly by increased afterload or inotropic interventions. We also observed that the diastolic deformation of the ventricular chamber occurred in a set and predictable manner that seemed to be determined by the three-dimensional mechanical properties of the myocardium. The geometric inter-relationships of the ventricular wall determined the relationship between diastolic transmural pressure and mural stress. These findings probably reflect basic structural characteristics of the myocardium and provide a convenient method for quantitatively representing the dynamic geometry of the left ventricle.