Seasonal and diurnal changes of prostatic androgen receptor and circulating testosterone in young mature rats

Low- and high-salt (600 mM KCl) extractable androgen receptors were measured in the ventral prostate lobes of 70-day-old rats which were housed in constant environmental conditions (22 ± 2°C, 65 ± 5% air humidity, light 6.00 h–18.00 h). Seasonal variations were observed during 2 years, exhibiting elevations in late summer and autumn and depressions in late winter and spring time. These fluctuations were superposed by steep changes from month to month. The maximum and minimum values of the low- and high-salt extractable receptors differed within 1 year by a factor 8.5 and 2.4, respectively. Both receptor fractions showed a diurnal rhythm as measured during 1 day in January with maximal concentrations at 9.00 h (low-salt: median = 1 308 fmol/mg DNA) and minimal values at 18.00 (424) and 24.00 (230). The electrophoretic mobility in agar gel of pH 8.2 also showed a diurnal variation with maximal values at 18.00 h in either receptor fraction. Neither the seasonal nor the diurnal variations were correlated to the corresponding rhythms of serum testosterone concentrations. As steroid receptors may be regulated by neural transmission, in a final experiment the parasympathic innervation of the prostate was blocked by infiltrating the plexus pelvicus with a local anesthetic drug. One hour later, the total receptor concentration was not changed, while the ratio of low- to high-salt extractable receptors and the electrophoretic mobility of both fractions were elevated as compared to the control animals. This finding indicates that peripheral neural transmission rather than circulating testosterone may be involved in the regulation of androgen receptors in rat ventral prostate.