The system zirconium‐selenium: Structures of the phases Zr3Se4 and Zr2Se3

The system zirconium‐selenium has been investigated in the composition range ZrSe2ZrSe. In samples prepared from the elements at 800°C only the phases Zr1+xSe2 (with a Cd(OH)2 type structure) and Zr3Se4 were observed, in agreement with previous studies. The phase Zr3Se4 was found to have a rhombohedral structure intermediate between the CdCl2 and NaCl types; a 3.753 Å, c  18.703 Å. In samples prepared at 950° or 1200° a new hexagonal phase (a  3.744 Å, c  12.51 Å) of approximate composition Zr2Se3 was found; this phase was found to be isotypic with Ti2S3.

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