Murine serum glycoprotein gp70 behaves as an acute phase reactant.

A single i.p. injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or its lipid A component induced high levels of glycoprotein gp70 in sera of several strains of mice within 24 h. This serum gp70 response induced by LPS was independent of the activation of B cells and the presence of T cells. Serological and immunohistochemical studies demonstrated the production of gp70 by hepatic parenchymal cells and its subsequent release into the circulating blood. The expression of gp70 in the serum was enhanced not only by LPS but also other inducers of acute phase reactants (APR) such as turpentine oil or poly(I).cntdot.poly(C). The serum gp70 response was kinetically identical to those of APR. Thus, the liver may be the major source for serum gp70, serum gp70 behaves like an APR, its expression may be controlled by a mechanism similar to that for other APR and this glycoprotein apparently behaves as a normal host constituent and not a product of a viral genome.