Selective Inhibition of Ammonium Oxidation and Nitrification-Linked N 2 O Formation by Methyl Fluoride and Dimethyl Ether

Methyl fluoride (CH 3 F) and dimethyl ether (DME) inhibited nitrification in washed-cell suspensions of Nitrosomonas europaea and in a variety of oxygenated soils and sediments. Headspace additions of CH 3 F (10% [vol/vol]) and DME (25% [vol/vol]) fully inhibited NO 2 - and N 2 O production from NH 4 + in incubations of N. europaea , while lower concentrations of these gases resulted in partial inhibition. Oxidation of hydroxylamine (NH 2 OH) by N. europaea and oxidation of NO 2 - by a Nitrobacter sp. were unaffected by CH 3 F or DME. In nitrifying soils, CH 3 F and DME inhibited N 2 O production. In field experiments with surface flux chambers and intact cores, CH 3 F reduced the release of N 2 O from soils to the atmosphere by 20- to 30-fold. Inhibition by CH 3 F also resulted in decreased NO 3 - + NO 2 - levels and increased NH 4 + levels in soils. CH 3 F did not affect patterns of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia in cell suspensions of a nitrate-respiring bacterium, nor did it affect N 2 O metabolism in denitrifying soils. CH 3 F and DME will be useful in discriminating N 2 O production via nitrification and denitrification when both processes occur and in decoupling these processes by blocking NO 2 - and NO 3 - production.