Crisis Intervention for Maltreated Children

Maltreatment, including physical and psychological abuse and neglect, and sexual abuse, has serious psychological consequences for the victim. Three perspectives on the origins of maltreatment are discussed; factors within the individual, the family, and the society and culture. While less than 1% of a student population may be involved with reported cases of maltreatment in any given year, the actual incidence is much greater. Any efforts to prevent maltreatment will be limited until there are substantial sociocultural changes. In order to reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of maltreatment, parents and other caregivers can be given training in self-understanding and interpersonal skills, as well as given help to reduce life stresses. The interventions for children which are discussed are intended to limit the damage of maltreatment, and are implemented both prior to and after the occurrence of the experience. Legal interventions and strategies for individual and group counseling are discussed. School psychologists can play important roles in working with parents, and the school can play an important role in safeguarding the welfare of its students and families.