The incidence of many autosomal recessive neurometabolic disorders is very high in Saudi Arabia, probably as a result of the frequency of consanguineous marriages. Because our hospital is the main referral center for the entire Kingdom, we examine a large number of patients who have a wide spectrum of neurometabolic disorders. We add our experience and review the world literature. Though a specific diagnosis is radiologically possible in a few disorders, the diagnosis must always be verified biochemically. When the patient is referred from a pediatric neurologist with the diagnosis of neurometabolic disorder, the aim of the neuroradiologist is to determine the amount of brain damage present and to follow the response to given therapy. When the patient is referred with a nonspecific diagnosis, such as delayed development, the aim is to suggest the possibility of a neurometabolic disorder and to initiate further evaluation including possible therapy and genetic counseling. (J Child Neurol 1992;7(Suppl):S112-S131.)