Cambrian stratigraphy of eastern Yunnan

Based on investigation of several types of Cambrian sections in eastern Yunnan, we have tentatively concluded: 1) existence of the Middle Cambrian in eastern Yunnan is definitely proved; 2) the Lower Cambrian of eastern Yunnan may be divided into four formations, of which the Mei-shu-ts'un is so named for the phosphate bearing beds; 3) judging from the lithological character we recognize that the subsiding area of eastern Yunnan is still considered in the late Early Cambrian era; 4) Paragraulos and Redlichia chinensis should not be used as zoning fossils for the Tsanglangpu and Lung-wang-miao formations, respectively; 5) the Middle Cambrian of eastern Yunnan might be correlated with the Middle Cambrian of Kueichow, because Kunming was a subsiding area in the Middle Cambrian era. – Authors.