Frequent monthly use of selected non-prescription and prescription non-narcotic analgesics among U.S. adults

Purpose Analgesics offer many benefits, however, chronic, long‐term use may pose risks of adverse drug events. The objective of this study was to estimate frequent monthly non‐narcotic analgesic use among U.S. adults, identifying socio‐demographic trends and potentially at‐risk groups. Methods Analysis of adult medication use data from the 1999–2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey household interview (n = 4880). Results Some 20% of U.S. adults used non‐prescription or prescription non‐narcotic analgesics on a frequent basis, that is nearly every day for a month, at some point during their lifetime. Also, 14% of U.S. adults were currently using analgesics frequently. Aspirin was most commonly used (8%), followed by non‐aspirin non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NANSAID, 3%) and acetaminophen (3%). Three‐quarters of aspirin, 46% of NANSAID and 63% of acetaminophen users were long‐term frequent monthly users (1+ years). Seven percent of frequent monthly analgesic users reported using two or more analgesics nearly every day during the month. Frequent analgesic use was most common among older adults and non‐Hispanic whites with no differences by gender or education. Use patterns, however, varied by analgesic subgroups. Conclusions Frequent monthly non‐narcotic analgesic use, especially of over‐the‐counter analgesics, is widely prevalent among U.S. adults. Health‐care providers should heighten their awareness of this trend, and routinely monitor both non‐prescription and prescription analgesic use in their patients to prevent adverse drug effects and inappropriate use. Published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.