Mitochondrial complex I and II activities of lymphocytes and platelets in Parkinson's disease

Mitochondrial Complex I deficiencies have been described not only in the brain but also in the skeletal muscle and platelets in Parkinson's disease (PD). We report activities of Complex I, II, III, and IV in lymphocytes and platelets in 20 patients with PD and age-matched controls. A small but a significant decrease in the platelet Complex I activity was found in PD (9.14±1.86 units/mg protein) compared with that in the control (12.37±2.66 units/mg protein) (P=0.0002). The lymphocyte Complex I activity was about the same between PD and the control. The activity of Complex II was slightly diminished in both platelets and lymphocytes in PD. Rather small decrease in the platelet Complex I activity in PD may be clinically non-significant. But it may indicate the presence of a qualitatively similar abnormality in platelets as in the nigro-striatal neurons. The cause for decrease in the Complex II activity is unknown at this moment. Further studies seem necessary.

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