Subcellular localization and topology of the K88 usher FaeD in Escherichia coli

The subcellular localization of the K88 usher FaeD was studied in Escherichia coli whole ceils by using iso-pycnic sucrose density gradient centrifugation of isolated membranes, the detergents Triton X-100 and sodium lauryl sarcosinate and immunoblotting with a specific FaeD antiserum. Cells containing the complete K88 operon, as well as cells containing the sub-cloned faeD gene in various expression vectors, were used. Most of the FaeD was present in the outer membranes in a detergent-resistant form. Agglutination experiments with E coli cells expressing FaeD confirmed an outer membrane localization and indicated the presence of FaeD at the cell surface. Automated Edman degradation indicated that the mature FaeD contained 777 amino acid residues and confirmed that FaeD is synthesized with a rather long signal sequence of 35 amino acid residues. Twelve different FaeD–PhoA fusion proteins were prepared and characterized by nucleotide sequencing and immuno-blotting. Most of these fusion sites were located in the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal regions of FaeD. Six amino-terminal fusion proteins were soluble proteins in the peripiasm, whereas the other fusion proteins were associated with the outer membrane. The protease accessibility of FaeD and of the six outer membrane-bound FaeD–PhoA fusion proteins was studied using whole cells, cells with permeabilized outer membranes, and isolated membranes. Collagenase H, kallikrein, trypsin and proteinase K were used. Based on the results of these experiments and computer predictions, a model for the membrane topology of FaeD was developed in which FaeD contains a large central domain containing 24 membrane-spanning segments and two relatively large periplasmic regions, at the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal end of the protein, respectively.