Enhancement of Interleukin‐6 Production by Fibrinogen Degradation Product D in Human Peripheral Monocytes and Perfused Murine Liver

The effect of fibrinogen degradation products D and E (FDP—D, FDP—E) on IL–6 production in perfused mouse livers and peripheral monocytes is studied. Similarly to bacterial endotoxin FDP—D is highly potent to augment the IL–6 production measured in perfused mouse livers, while FDP—E is not stimulatory. FDP—D but not FDP—E is able to stimulate the in vitro IL–6 production of human peripheral monocytes, as well. Plasmin alone is almost ineffective on IL–6 production both in perfused livers and monocytes. Our findings suggest a direct positive feedback circuit, among fibrinogen, FDP and IL–6.