Guard Cell Volume and Pressure Measured Concurrently by Confocal Microscopy and the Cell Pressure Probe,

Guard cell turgor pressures in epidermal peels of broad bean (Vicia faba) were measured and controlled with a pressure probe. At the same time, images of the guard cell were acquired using confocal microscopy. To obtain a clear image of guard cell volume, a fluorescent dye that labels the plasma membrane was added to the solution bathing the epidermal peel. At each pressure, 17 to 20 optical sections (each 2 μm thick) were acquired. Out-of-focus light in these images was removed using blind deconvolution, and volume was estimated using direct linear integration. As pressure was increased from as low as 0.3 MPa to as high as 5.0 MPa, guard cell volume increased in a saturating fashion. The elastic modulus was calculated from these data and was found to range from approximately 2 to 40 MPa. The data allow inference of guard cell osmotic content from stomatal aperture and facilitate accurate mechanistic modeling of epidermal water relations and stomatal functioning.