Estimates of secondary production by cohort summation of losses and size–frequency methods were made on the four most abundant amphipods at an 80 m deep station on a soft sediment in the southwestern mouth of the Bay of Fundy. Production and annual turnover ratios (production:biomass ratio (P:B), in parentheses) for the 1978 year class, expressed as grams wet preserved weight per square metre per year, were as follows: Haploops fundiensis, 0.505 (1.3); Photis reinhardi, 0.370 (2.8); Casco bigelowi, 1.210 (2.5); Harpinia propinqua 0.066 (3.1). The P:B ratios found were closest to those calculated by the empirical method of Robertson when an accurate estimate of life-span was available.