The Australian Loranthaceae (sens str.) comprise 10 genera, 62 species, 13 subspecies, and 4 varieties. Of these, 6 genera, 55 species, and all of the infraspecific taxa are endemic. The New Zealand Loranthaceae comprise 5 genera, all endemic, and 6 species. Muellerina celastroides is doubtfully common to Australia and New Zealand and the above endemism figures are based on the assumption that the species is not present in New Zealand. Five species are described as new, viz. Amylotheca subumbellata, Amyema biniflorum, Amyema herbertianum, Amyema quaternifolium, and Diplatia tomentosa. Four subspecies are described as new, viz. Amyema congener subsp. rotundifolium, Amyema conspicuum subsp. obscurinerve, Amyema linophyllum subsp. orientale, and Amyema maidenii subsp. angustifolium. There are 14 new combinations, viz. Decaisnina biangulata (W. V. Fitzger.), Decaisnina brittenii (Blakely), Decaisnina hollrungii (Schum.), Decaisnina petiolata (Barlow), Decaisnina signata subsp. cardiophylla (Domin), Amyema gibberulurn var. tatei (Blakely), Amyema mackayense subsp. cycnei-sinus (Blakely), Amyema miraculosum subsp, boormanii (Blakely), Amyema pendulum subsp. longifolium (Hook.), Amyema quandang var. bancroftii (Blakely), Amyema sanguineum var. pulcher (Ewart), Amyema villiflorum (Domin), Amyema villiforum subsp. tomentellum (Blakely), and Dendrophthoe acacioides var. longifolium (Specht). New chromosome numbers are recorded for six species.