Age-specific antibody prevalence to hepatitis A in England: implications for disease control

SUMMARY: Sera from an age-stratified sample of 7196 individuals, submitted for diagnostic purposes to four public health laboratories in England in 1986/7, were tested for hepatitis A antibody. The serological profiles, which showed marked regional differences, were consistent with declining incidence in the past. The decline in the incidence of hepatitis A has resulted in an increase in susceptibility in adults. This has three main consequences: an increase in the average age of infection may be leading to an increase in morbidity; normal immunoglobulin may become less protective against hepatitis A; the risk of transmission through blood products contaminated by viraemic blood donors may rise.Current average annual incidence in 5–14-year olds was estimated to vary between regions from 0·5–1·9%. This supports the view that, in the absence of a vaccination programme, hepatitis A will remain endemic unless there are further improvements in living conditions and standards of hygiene. A vaccine giving long-lasting protection could eliminate hepatitis A transmission with modest coverage at a young age. Targeting childhood vaccination on economically deprived areas or using vaccine to control outbreaks might be more effective policies.