Association of Training Level and Short–term Cosmetic Appearance of Repaired Lacerations

Objective: To determine the association between emergency practitioner level of training and cosmetic appearance of primarily closed wounds as evaluated at the time of suture removal.Methods: A retrospective analysis of wound registry data was performed. At the time of wound closure, standard data were collected including details of patient demographics, wound characteristics, preparation, closure, and postoperative care, for consecutive patients sutured in the ED. Follow–up data were obtained at the time of the return visit using a previously described cosmetic scale. With the scale, all lacerations were assigned 0 or 1 point each for the presence or absence of six items: a step–off of borders; contour irregularities; margin separation; edge inversion; excessive distortion; and overall appearance. For analysis, the proportion of wounds with a score of 6 (optimal cosmetic appearance in all categories) was associated with practitioner level of training.Results: Five hundred fifty–two patients' wounds were evaluated. The percentages of various practitioners' achieving an optimal cosmetic score were: medical students (MSs), 50%; first–year residents (EMls), 54%; second–year residents (EM2s), 66%; third–year residents (EM3s), 68%; physician assistants (PAs), 70%; and attending physicians (APs), 66%. The senior practitioners (EM2s, EM3s, PAs, APs) were significantly more likely to obtain a maximal cosmetic score than were the junior practitioners (MSs, EMls) (68% vs 52%, p = 0.016).Conclusion: Significant improvement in short–term cosmetic results following wound repair is associated with a training level beyond PGY1. These data reinforce the need for careful patient selection and close supervision of wound repair by trainees, especially of wound repair by medical students and interns.

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