Notes on Boletes. X. A Few Miscellaneous Discussions and a New Subspecies

Xerocomus castanellus (Boletlnus c. Pk.) is proposed in place of X. squarrosoides (Snell and Dick) Sing. It is shown that the distinctive hymenophoral tramas of the Boletoideae and Xerocomoideae are paralleled by distinctive structures of the hymenophores, which are designated "tubulate" and "faveolate", respectively, and these differences can be demonstrated in most cases by a vertical tearing of the hymenophore. Of 3 California collections, there are recorded: redder colors for Boletus eastwoodiae; unusual host associates and color changes for Leccinum aurantlacum; and the tentative acceptance of Boletus edulis subsp. pinicola for that region. Subspecies purpureus of Boletus rubellus is described from Florida.

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