A factorization theorem for $P$-wave quarkonium production, recently derived by Bodwin, Braaten, Yuan and Lepage, is applied to $\Upsilon \to \chi_{cJ} + X$, where $\chi_{cJ}$ labels the ${}^3 P_J$ charmonium states. The widths for $\chi_{cJ}$ production through color-singlet $P$-wave and color-octet $S$-wave $c \bar c$ subprocesses are computed each to leading order in $\alpha_s$. Experimental data on $\Upsilon \to J / \psi + X$ is used to obtain an upper bound on a nonperturbative parameter (related to the probability for color-octet $S$-wave $c \bar c$ hadronization into $P$-wave charmonium) that enters into the factorization theorem. The bound obtained here adds to the limited information so far available on the color-octet mechanism for $P$-wave quarkonium production.

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