Cross-reactions between alpha-streptococci and Omniserum, a polyvalent pneumococcal serum, demonstrated by direct immunofluorescence, immunoelectroosmophoresis, and latex agglutination

In recent years several groups have used serological methods to demonstrate pneumococcal capsular antigens in sputum. In the present study 123 strains of alpha-hemolytic streptococci (including 97 strains from sputum or pharyngeal specimens) were tested for cross-reactions with a polyvalent antipneumococcal serum (Omniserum). Representatives of the following species were included: Streptococcus bovis, S. equinus, S. intermedius, S. lactis, S. milleri, S. mitis, S. mutans, S. sobrinus, S. salivarius, S. sanguis, S. suis, and Aerococcus viridans. Serological reactions were detected by direct immunofluorescence, immunoelectroosmophoresis, and latex agglutination. Fifteen (12%) of the strains gave positive reactions by all three methods. Positive reactions were also observed with another 32 strains (26%) with two of the methods, whereas 37 strains (30%) gave positive reactions by just one technique. Altogether 84 (68%) strains gave positive reactions with one or more of the methods. Latex agglutination gave positive reactions with 26 (21%) strains compared with 57 (46%) in immunofluorescence and 63 (51%) in immunoelectroosmophoresis. Absorption of the antiserum with one alpha-hemolytic strain reduced but did not entirely eliminate the cross-reactions with five tested strains. These findings indicate a potential risk of cross-reactions with polyvalent antipneumococcal serum in tests carried out on sputa or other specimens which may be contaminated with alpha-hemolytic streptococci.