Nucleotide Sequence of the Membrane-Bound Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene from Acetobacter polyoxogenes

The nucleotide sequence of the membrane-bound aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) gene from an industrial vinegar producer, Acetobacter polyoxogenes, was determined. Comparison of the sequence with the NH2 -terminal amino acid sequence of the mature ALDH and determination of the actual translational initiation codon by means of in vitro manipulation of the upstream and proximal regions of the cloned gene showed that ALDH was primarily translated as a 773-amino-acid protein and that the 44-amino-acid sequence at the NH2 -terminus, which probably serves as a signal peptide, was processed during maturation and localization in the membrane. When ALDH was expressed in a large quantity in Escherichia coli cells after the coding region had been placed downstream of the lac promoter, the ALDH protein, which still contained the signal peptide and had no ALDH activity, was localized in the membrane fraction.